Kate Ring,
Kate Ring has spent 12 years in public and charter education in Nashville. She served as principal of LEAD Cameron for 5 years, leading the school to exceptional student growth results and high staff culture ratings. Prior to that, she served as the school’s Dean of Instruction and instructional coach after several years teaching 7th grade ELA. Kate graduated from Northeastern University in her home city of Boston, MA with a degree in journalism. She pursued alternative certification in Nashville through The New Teacher Project, getting her Master’s in teaching from Belmont University and, eventually, her Ed.D in educational leadership from Lipscomb University. She pursued this path into leadership because she knows teaching is the hardest and most important job that exists and teachers need administrators who can champion them. Kate is about to begin a new role as Instructional Needs Coordinator with Roxbury Prep in Boston, MA, and she is excited to apply her All Means All work in this new setting.
When asked why AMA is important and dear to her, here is what Kate shared:
I got into education because I believed in creating opportunities for all children, though it took me many years to realize what that truly meant. All Means All was pivotal in helping me clarify the importance of inclusive education, while operationalizing it at the school level. I have never experienced so much personal and professional growth from one program! Leaders set the tone for their organizations and thus have the most power to bring about change. As we think about the ideal world we want to live in -- one that truly fosters belonging -- we need to start with school leaders who can show staff and students that possibility has no limits.

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