Uplifting ALL learners starts with YOU.
AMA is for school and system leaders who are deeply committed to creating effective learning environments where all students can succeed but may feel overwhelmed or without a clear path. Our 15-month leadership development experience and partnership uniquely builds both adaptive and technical skills through relevant tools, high-quality training, and context-responsive coaching – providing a thoughtful, rigorous, and comprehensive approach to enhancing school effectiveness while supporting academic achievement for students who need additional support, including those with disabilities.
Why This Matters
Research demonstrates significant differences in academic achievement outcomes for specific student populations. Students with disabilities, students working to complete credit requirements, and students working to reach grade-level achievement often perform below their demonstrated potential. According to the National Center for Learning Disabilities, learners with learning and attention disabilities:
Enroll in college at half the rate of their peers
Complete college at less than half the rate
Are three times less likely to be employed
Have a 1 in 2 chance of involvement in the carceral system
These outcomes are further impacted by several important patterns in academic achievement and educational experiences surfaced by national assessment data:
National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) data shows varying achievement levels among student groups, with some student populations demonstrating greater academic support needs
Department of Education data indicates differences in disciplinary action rates across student populations, including variations in suspension and restraint practices
Research shows varying special education identification rates and classroom placement patterns among different student populations
1 in 5, or 20% of public school students are identified as having a disability or needing accommodations. Department of Education statistics indicate that among the 7.3 million students with disabilities, there is diversity among students and 11.4% are students developing English language proficiency.
Why We Do This Work
Research demonstrates that with proper support, students can achieve their full academic potential. Studies indicate that 90% of students with learning differences can achieve at grade-level standards when provided appropriate educational support. However, traditional approaches to improving student achievement often face two key challenges:
Limiting professional development to specialized staff members can create unintended barriers to school-wide collaboration and prevent the opportunity for comprehensive support systems that benefit all students
Focusing exclusively on technical solutions without addressing school culture and change management can limit the effectiveness of improvement efforts
At All Means All, we support school and system leaders in building comprehensive, school-wide cultures of academic excellence. Our approach combines technical expertise with leadership development to create sustainable improvements in student achievement. We emphasize collaborative problem-solving and evidence-based practices that help all students reach their full potential.
How We Do This Work
We start by honoring the unique contexts of each school, supporting you and your team to build inclusive structures with a full continuum of support that enables students with disabilities and all learners who seek to be a part of your community to thrive socially, emotionally, and academically.
While we center on students with disabilities, the muscle, mindsets, and habits you will build can transform your outcomes for all learners in your community including learners with disabilities, learners who have been furthest from opportunity, and learners often left out of the educational experience. Partnership with AMA provides sustained transformation of leadership, mindsets, and structures to ensure disproportionate outcomes are eliminated – where ALL learners are seen and valued for their assets and have a viable path to achieve their dreams.
Our Theory of Action for Lasting Change
If we train, coach, and support school and system leaders and their teams to build strong cultures with supportive mindsets and apply technical problem solving tools that remove barriers to learning, these leaders will create school spaces with exceptional growth for all students facing academic challenges and become proof points and exemplars for their networks, school systems, and communities.
Stories of Impact
All Means All is a multi-faceted partnership that enhances your ability to lead in a way that supports all learners. Explore what it looks like when we truly commit to supporting all learners.

It starts with you. We’re here to help. Ready to be part of a community helping all learners succeed?